At times we all need a helping hand or an encouraging word. When you volunteer at Able to Serve, you’ll experience the fun, friendship and satisfaction of helping adults with special needs become more independent and use their abilities to serve others.
Program Volunteers
Monday-Friday (9 AM -3 PM) Full day/half day Opportunities
Helping participants learn to wash/dry clothes, use the computer and actively experience the community are just a few of activities in our program. Most importantly – you’ll be a friend who encourages our participants to be the best they can be!
Van Drivers
Monday-Friday (half-day) no special license required
Volunteering to drive is much more than operating a vehicle. It creates opportunities for participants to learn about their community. Outings are typically scheduled to leave in the morning around 10 AM and return back at the building by lunchtime. Visiting the YMCA, exercising at the Garner Rec Center, visiting a local business and bowling at Buffaloe Lanes South are just a few of our monthly outings.
Special Events Volunteer
Scheduled throughout the Year
Able to Serve hosts several fundraisers, two community dances and many special activities (cookouts, Bible Camp, outdoor projects) each year. These events are in addition to the volunteers needed in our program. Individual and group’s are needed to help make our events a success!
Volunteer Instructors
Works around your Schedule
If you enjoy teaching your favorite hobby, music, craft or skill, our participants are ready and willing to learn! We always find ways to have fun, whether it’s knitting, making greeting or Christmas cards, gardening/greenhouse, art, fitness or cooking! Contact us to learn more and get on the schedule.
Communication's Volunteer
Flexible Schedule
Do you enjoy taking pictures? Do you like capturing moments on video? Do you like writing stories? We need volunteers who will capture content throughout our program activities. These volunteers work closely with our team for content, telling the Able to Serve story in our social media channels, donor newsletter, brochures and blog.
Administrative Volunteer
Monday-Friday (9am-3pm) Full & Half day options available.
Do you enjoy administrative tasks? Do you want to serve our participants and families from a desk? Volunteer for administrative tasks such as answering phones, opening doors, sorting, and other office tasks. Once-per-week slots are available Monday thru Friday. Basic computer skills are necessary for this position.
Church or Organizational Groups
We welcome church or organizational groups of all ages to spend the day or part of the day interacting with participants. Your group can plan games, crafts, snacks, and/or devotionals to bring. Your group can also assist with activities that we plan. Email [email protected] to learn more and coordinate dates, times and activities.

Contact Us to Learn More
If you are interested in serving with us, please contact us to schedule a call or tour to learn more about how you can get involved!