Ways to Give


We need people like you to help ensure our program is available for everybody who wants to access it. Click on the donate button below or mail a check to the following address: 

Able to Give Partners are monthly/quarterly givers who believe, invest and grow with us through their consistent support. These partners are an integral part of the success in our ministry. They allow Able to Serve to reach more adults with disabilities as the need for our Day Program reaches more families in Wake and Johnston counties. 

Join Able to Give

Become a monthly donor and help to sustain our mission to equip adults with disabilities to be independent and connect them with opportunities to serve others in their community.


You’ll experience the fun, friendship, and satisfaction of helping adults with special needs become more independent and use their abilities to serve others.

Legacy Giving

Leaving a meaningful gift can create a legacy that you and your family will be proud of for generations to come. Because of your Legacy Gift, we are Able to Serve.

Legacy Giving

Leaving a meaningful gift can create a legacy that you and your family will be proud of for generations to come. Because of your Legacy Gift, they are ABLE TO SERVE.

Donate Stock, Securities, or In-Kind Gifts

Donating stock, securities, or in-kind gifts are effective ways to impact the lives of the people we serve. Making this type of gift is simple and offers you valuable financial benefits.

Shop our Amazon Wish List

Shop specific items directly on Amazon that our staff has identified as current needs in our program. Your purchased items will ship directly to Able to Serve. 

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