Our 5th Annual Mother’s Day Brunch honored the special women who made us who we are today. Our moms, mom-figures and women caregivers give so much to us, and we enjoy this special event allowing us to give a bit back to them for all of their loving care.
With the hospitality of our friends at Lord of Life Lutheran Church, we celebrated our moms with a delicious brunch including homemade casseroles and fresh spring strawberries atop pink cake. Everyone gathered to catch up together and meet new people, often introducing themselves as “I’m [my son/daughter’s name] mom!” before their own name. A classic “mom-move”.
After enjoying a meal together, we turned our attention to the Participants who were ready to shower the crowd with praise and love. Their program centered around the message that “You are My Sunshine” including a group song with sign language. Featured speakers led prayer and shared poems before everyone distributed crafted gifts they created throughout the month of April. Personalized coasters with Scrabble letters spelled out words that describe what their mom means to them.
My mom is "Cool" "my Hero" "Love" "the Best" "Nice" "Good" "Dear" "Kind" "Sweet" "a Gift" "Fun" "Caring"
These beautiful moments could not have happened without the help from some key volunteers. Many thanks to Rena & Clyde Bogle, Alecia Harrison, Linda Hash, Helen Holderman, Sheri Hovey, Sylvia Lambert, Sandy Petty, Becky Roof, Ruth Sanders and Angie Yilling. Our Participants and Staff appreciate each of them for giving their time so that each woman at the Brunch could feel how special they truly are to all of us!