Celebrating Our Sponsors

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  1. Melanie Johnson

    I had a great time, beautiful tribute to your special adults in our community. As past president of Garner Civitan we have been a proud sponsor for several years. As you know, God doesn’t make mistakes. When we stop and think think about these precious children of God have so much love in their hearts. I think is teaching us that we should all be like that. I love how they express their happiness and let a lot of stuff roll down their backs. It is also a tough life for them because they’re minds don’t exactly work like ours. That is why we say Special needs. We are all special to God. What you and Carlton Sr began in Garner has made our community aware of this need. I wish we all much luck and favor. We are moving to Charlotte in Oct. I will miss your program! I will pray about your ministry way after I am gone. Thank you CarltonSr, Carlton Jr, Volunteers and sponsors for what you have done, doing now and grow this as time moves forward. God Bless your program and ministry. God is smiling down on it!! Mostly because you are following his teaching to love one another!

    1. Rachel Barnes

      Melanie – Thank you for your kind, encouraging words! We have been honored to serve alongside you all at Garner Civitan and appreciate your support! God has blessed Garner with incredible people, businesses and organizations to work together. We hope all the best to you in your relocation and hope you can visit soon.

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