Our Program and Marketing Manager keeps Able to Serve working toward our goals, encouraging indepedence and having a lot of fun along the way in our community.

As the Program and Marketing Manager at Able to Serve, Jacob loves getting to see how it all works together. His favorite outcome is when each participant, volunteer, and staff member puts our model into action through learning, growing, leading, and serving. From administration and marketing, to programming and building relationships with families, he gets to do what he loves in a place where God is working. Many of our videos and media, especially our participant-led ATS NEWS broadcasts, have developed during his service here.
One of the valuable things he’s gained through Able to Serve is the opportunity to learn from each other. He credits the little things – like playing a game of uno – as providing lessons in communicating, relationship building, and leadership from our participants. When asked how he has grown here, Jacob shared how the word “intentional” continues to drive him
One of his highlights each year is our annual summer Bible Camp. For the past 2 years, he has “absolutely loved” seeing our participants lead each day, learn important Biblical lessons, grow in their relationship with Christ, and serve their community in Wake/Johnston counties and around the United States!
We are grateful for Jacob’s energy and enthusiasm applied in everything he does to give abilities a chance through Able to Serve. Do you have a favorite part of our day program? Leave a comment thanking Jacob for his leadership!
So thankful you joined the ATS family! Your knowledge and super personality are helping to make ATS the most awesome program for adults with disabilities available!! Thank you for your dedication and hard ork!